A personal rule of mine is not to check email first thing in the morning, but I broke my rule this morning as I'm waiting for some news. Instead, I found a one star review for one of my companies because we "send them too many mailers". If you've been in business long enough, I'm sure you've received your share of unfair online reviews or maybe even some wild credit card chargebacks.
Backstory summary: A profitable practice I use in that company is to send some piece of snail mail once a month to every client that has used our service in the prior 2 years.
While it upsets me that someone would attempt to lower my star rating with such a minor complaint instead of just notifying our company directly to take them off our mailing list, it reminded me of something I read from author Steve Siebold.
Steve talks about how respecting other people is easier for a pro because a pro has great respect for themself. The struggles and battles they have waged, the risks they've taken in business, have forged their confidence and character far beyond that of the average person.
Amateurs tend to struggle with respect, because respecting others is directly related to respecting yourself.
Sometimes the distractions of life are enough to drown the self doubt of the poor performer, those that don't even attempt to reach their potential, and sometimes the distractions aren't enough.
Humans are emotional creatures who crave respect. When they don't get it, they can stir up trouble. The world class performer, though, is fully engaged in life and living. They are so engaged in their goals that the distractions of life are to let themselves recharge, they're not the focus.
Self respect leads them to respect others. When others do not respect them (or leave them crazy one star reviews), they're not shocked and don't take it personally, they chalk it up to a poor mentality. After all, you can't give what you don't have, and someone who has issues with respect is probably someone with a very poor self image.
What can you do to increase your level of self respect? Can you become a model of showing respect for others, from the janitor to the CEO, because of the deep confidence you have in yourself? At Phenomenal Business Coaching, we not only train on the 5 key areas of every business, but on the 7 spoke "Wheel of Life" Zig so brilliantly developed. Find out more with our free business training here.
To your success,
Jeremy & Stefanie Overturf
Phenomenal Business Coaching powered by Zig Ziglar