If I had to identify one thing that separates the entrepreneur mindset from the average person is that we do it even when we don’t feel like it.
I’m talking about consistency.
How many days have you dragged yourself out of bed at 6 am after a sleepless night…baby crying, financial challenges, an upset customer, an employee calling out…and you were there bright and early knowing if you didn’t things just wouldn’t get done.
We do it day after day, year after year, sometimes without appreciation, without awards, hoping that one day all this hard work, this investment, this business will pay us back for our efforts. That’s amazing and you should recognize and appreciate yourself for doing it. But you shouldn’t be doing it forever.
You’ll have to do this for a season when you’re a new business owner. If you’ve been doing this too long, I encourage you to think about how you can start working on your business more than you do in your business.
Something that I had to learn was to get rid of the $15 an hour tasks. Meaning if I could hire a low wage employee or another business to do it, I needed to stop being so cheap and hire out that task. This wasn’t easy for me, I was raised as a do-it-yourselfer. Why pay someone else, right?
Even when I didn’t have a lot of money, by doing this it freed my time up to work on more profitable tasks, and I found myself earning a lot more. It also kept me from getting burnt out so much at my business, which could often dampen my productivity.
Start with something simple…are you cutting your own grass? Should you be? Or could your time more profitably be spent on your business or with your family? Now if you just love mowing your grass, I know some do, maybe there is something else. House cleaning? You may be surprised how paying to get your time back frees you up for so much more.
When you're ready to create a more turn-key company, one that runs without you there constantly, we can help. Sign up for our free business resources today.
To your success,
Jeremy & Stefanie Overturf